Sometimes the club might leave you with just a little bit of time on your hands to do a bit of what you would like to do but would not usually be in a position to do . It just so happens that what you happen to be engaging goes hand in hand with the club life. Not much patrons were in view but the ones that were seemed to be loving every second of basking in the ambience. Velvet came in and soaked up the ambience as usual whilst feeling frisky in her pink costume which blended with the environment if the club . By each dance the friskier she became . It also begged the question of room temperature was it cold and windy in the club.One would reckon that thte club would most likely be cold because more often than not there would be an AC unit (notwithstanding that it can be inoperable which most likely would not have been the case).Velvet experience was so demonstrable by the fact that she did not even bat an eye at how dark and multi colored the club is even so when she t...
As the music played in the background she adamantly selected her theme song . The bounciness of the beat and the piercing lyrics both conspired to put her in the mood to reciprocate with a bouncy dance . While she wore her head gear which happened to be a red and white head band that surprisingly gels well with her exotic but quaint purple streaked hair she started mouthing the lyrics to the song. As the song played via the flat screen television she couldn't help but relate to the song and its lyrics . A usually reserved person sometimes cannot help but react to the soundwaves which to the fact is usually exhibited by the sudden pervasive movements. Motivation exactly wasn't confirmed however the music especially the contents of rap music can use to inspire any type of mood regardless of relevance or not. Case in point for the above mentioned would be trap lyrics, that is music inspired by harsh realities of the narcotics game can in turn inspire someone to pur...